Once again from the archives, and a foll-up to yesterday . . .
I wrote yesterday about the dignity and value that God assigns human sexuality
precisely because of its capacity to reveal love as the self-same reality
expressed by Jesus Christ on his Cross.
The mutual self-giving of a married couple is a sign to the rest for the
Church of God’s love for us. The love
that is expressed by married people in symbol is the love the each of
experiences in reality upon worthily receiving the Eucharist.

parallels between marriage and the Eucharist are abundant and beautiful. In the marriage bed, the bridegroom offers
himself to his bride in complete surrender to her. On the bed of the altar, the sacrifice of
Calvary is made present to the Church once again, and Christ, the bridegroom,
offers himself to his bride, the Church, in complete surrender. In the context of marriage, the flesh of the
groom and the flesh of the bride comingle so as to create a single body. In the Eucharist, the flesh of the Christ
enters into the flesh of his bride, the Church, as we literally consume his
body and blood Sunday after Sunday. This
mutual act of giving creates life for the married couple. In the Eucharist, we, as the bride of Christ,
receive new and refreshed divine life within ourselves.
As with
love, the consequences of sin are similar in marriage and in our relationship
with God. In marriage, to properly love
requires fidelity. How can a man,
cheating on his wife, offer himself to her completely and with surrender? Each time he offers his body to her, he tells
a lie to her. If she is cheating, by
receiving him, she tells a lie with her body.
Their infidelity is destructive to bride and groom alike, and they fail
to serve as the image of Christ’s love to the world. So too in our relationship with Christ – a
relationship mirrored by marriage – do we do serious damage when we receive our
groom unfaithfully. Every time we
receive the Holy Eucharist knowing that we are guilty of mortal sin, we tell a
lie. We are saying that we are in
communion with out groom, Christ himself, and that we are in communion with the
Body of Christ, the Church. The fact is,
however, that our sin has of necessity separated us from union with God and His
Church. We have been an unfaithful
spouse, and we are in desperate need of reconciling ourselves so as to return
to communion.
Luckily for
us, to be restored to communion with Christ and his Church is much easier than
healing a marriage that has experienced infidelity. Christ, who is infinitely forgiving, invites
us to that experience of his love, his forgiveness, and restoration through the
sacrament of reconciliation. There is a
catch, though. We do not get to decide
the terms upon which he forgives us. We
do not simply get to say that I have asked Jesus for forgiveness in my heart,
and he has forgiven me. Christ himself
decides the terms of our forgiveness, and he has been very clear about it. If we are to be restored to communion with
him and the rest of the Church, we must go to confession when we sin.
Allow me, in
this final paragraph, to be very clear about the constant teaching of the
Church in this regard. If one willingly
and knowingly breaks any of the commandments or defies any clearly defined
teaching of the Church, he has committed a mortal sin. He has ruptured his union with God and with
the Church. While suffering under the
burden of this sin, he is not free to receive Holy Communion, and
commits further serious sin if he does so, until making a good confession. Stop cheating on our Groom. Go to confession. Get right with God. Get right with the Church.